Ifagbemi Sangodare, Nana Kwaku Berko I, Bejana, Onebune
Sakhu Shetist, Scholar, Author, Lecturer

These lists include the entire collection of all Dr. Nobles' publications. If you would like to purchase his books, please click here. If you would like to browse his available downloadable articles, please click here
Our Way: Black Family Life and Culture
The African Meaning of Being: Reclaiming Humanity for All of Us
African Mythology as Episteme: Reinventing Knowing and Being
African American Ritual: Returning to the Sacred Guidelines for Healthy Living in Family and Community
Feeding the Ancestors: Guidelines for the Pouring of Libations
Skh Sdi/Djr: Advances in Pan African Black Psychology
SEEKING THE SAKHU: FOUNDATIONAL WRITINGS FOR AN AFRICAN PSYCHOLOGY Third World Press, Chicago publication date, fall, 2005.
AFRICAN-AMERICAN FAMILIES: ISSUES, INSIGHT, AND DIRECTIONS (Co-authored with Lawford L. Goddard, William E. Cavil III and Pamela Y. George) A Black Family Institute Publication, Oakland, 1987.
THE KM EBIT HUSIA: AUTHORITATIVE UTTERANCE OF EXCEPTIONAL INSIGHT FOR THE BLACK FAMILY. (Co-authored with Lawford L. Goddard and William E. Cavil III) A Black Family Institute Publication, Oakland, 1985
UNDERSTANDING THE BLACK FAMILY: A GUIDE FOR SCHOLARSHIP AND RESEARCH. (Co-authored with Lawford L. Goddard). A Black Family Institute Publication, Oakland, 1984
AFRICAN PHILOSOPHY: ASSUMPTIONS AND PARADIGMS FOR RESEARCH ON BLACK PEOPLE. (Co-edited with Lewis King and Vernon Dixon) Fanon Center Publication. J. Alfred Cannon Research Conference Proceedings, Los Angeles, 1976
“Foreword” in Navigating the Contours of African Childhood Experiences: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by Gwatirera Javangwe and Innocent Chirisa (Eds)…
“Dessalines: African Consciousness and Black Identity in the Context of Psychic Terrorism” in…
“Our Sacred Responsibility: The Raising Up of the Black Child” in Black Child Journal
“Cultural Resistance to Psychic Terrorism” in Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America Mwalimu J. Shujaa & Kenya J. Shujaa (Eds), Sage Reference
"African Consciousness as Cultural Continuity" in Encyclopedia of African Cultural Heritage in North America Mwalimu J. Shujaa & Kenya J. Shujaa (Eds), Sage Reference
The Destruction of the African Mind, Shattered Consciousness, and Fractured Identity: Black Psychology and the Restoration of the African Psyche in Cooper and Ratele (eds): Psychology Serving Humanity Vol. 1 (pp 556, 557, 577) Sage Publications
“Bridging Forward to African/Black Psychology” in The Journal of Black Psychology Vol 39(3), June 2013 p345-349
“Fundament Task and Challenge of Black Psychology” in The Journal of Black Psychology Vol 39(3), June 2013 p292-256
“Natural/Man-Made Disaster and the Derailment of the African Worldview” in The Journal of Black Psychology Vol 39(3), June 2013 p245-247
Shattered Consciousness, Fractured Identity: Black Psychology and the Restoration of the African Psyche in The Journal of Black Psychology Vol 39(3), June 2013 p232-242
Introduction with Saths Cooper in The Journal of Black Psychology Vol 39(3), June 2013 p207-211
The Journal of Black Psychology, “Special Issue: Pan African Discussion of African Psychology” Vol 39(3), June 2013 Co-edited with Saths Cooper
“Our Humanity” with Dr. Joyce King in NEW WAY FOREWORD: HEALING: WHAT”S HURTING BLACK AMERICA, Susan L. Taylor (ed), 3rd Workd Press, Chicago. 2010
African Well Being and the Healing of Humanity. IMHOTEP JOURNAL, Vol 7, May 2010. San Francisco, Ca.
Culturecology, Women and African-Centered HIV Prevention, JOURNAL OF BLACK PSYCHOLOGY, Vol 3, No.2, May 2009, pp 228-246
Shattered Consciousness and Fractured Identity: The lingering Psychological Effects of the Transatlantic Slave Trade Experience. in Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Commission Report I. Chicago: Jacob H. Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies, Northeastern Illinois University, 2007
The Whitening of Black King Tut: Implications for Educating All Children. With Dr. Vera L. Nobles . REVUE D’EGYPTOLOGIE ET DES CIVILISATIONS AFRICAINES: SCIENCES HUMAINES, ANKE No 14/15, Paris France .2005-2006
Education’s Cultural Anchor. CULTURAL GROUNDINGS, Volume III:. Oakland, CA. 2005
SAKHU SHETI. Reclaiming African Centered Psychology: Focus on Afro-Brazil: Theory and Practice. Accepted for publication in “AFROCENTRICIDADE: UMA ANTOLOGIA BASICA TO SEL NEGRO EDICOES”. Elisa Larkin Nascimento (ed). Summus/Selo Negro Publications, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2004
Reparations and Health Care for African Americans: Repairing the Damage from the legacy of Slavery in SHOULD AMERICA PAY? SLAVERY AND THE RAGING DEBATE ON REPARATIONS, Raymond Winbush, (ed) Amistad press, New York 2003
Fatherhood Matters, CULTURAL GROUNDINGS, Volume II: Oakland, CA. 2002
From Na Ezaleli to the Jegnoch: The Force of the African Family for Black Men in Higher Education. In MAKING IT ON BROKEN PROMISES – AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE SCHOLARS CONFRONT THE CULTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION Stylus press, Sterling Va. 2002
Working with African American People. CULTURAL GROUNDINGS, Volume I: Oakland, CA. 2000
To Be African or Not To Be: The Question of Identity or Authenticity – Some preliminary Thoughts” in Reginald Jones (ed) AFRICAN AMERICAN IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT: THEORY, RESEARCH AND INTERVENTION. Nobles, 1997
The African-Based Childrearing Opinion Survey. In R. Jones (ed.) HANDBOOK OF TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS FOR BLACK POPULATIONS.1996
A National Agenda, Association of Black Psychologists Address, PSYCH DISCOURSE. Washington, D.C. 1994
An African-centered Model of Prevention for African-American Youth at High-Risk. In L. Goddard (ed.), AN AFRICAN-CENTERED MODEL OF PREVENTION FOR AFRICAN-AMERICAN YOUTH AT HIGH-RISK.. Washington, D.C.: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) Technical Report 6, DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 93-2015, 1993.
The Cultural Keys to Maximizing Educational Praxis with African American Students In PLANNING MEETING FOR THE CENTER FOR APPLIED CULTURAL STUDIES AND EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT, Sponsored by the California State University and State Department of Education, California, 1989
Black Teenage Parenting: Issues and Challenges. In R. Jones (ed.) BLACK ADOLESCENTS, Berkeley, CA.: Cobb and Henry Publishers, 1989.
Drugs in the African-American Community: A Clear and Present Danger. In J. Dewart (ed.) THE STATE OF BLACK AMERICA 1989. New York: National Urban League, Inc., 1989.
Psychometrics and African-American Reality: The Question of Cultural Antimony. Accepted for Publication, JOURNAL OF NEGRO EDUCATION. 1988
Public Policy and the African-American Family: 20th Century Assessment and 21st Century Prognosis. Accepted for publication in ETHNICITY AND PUBLIC POLICY. University of Wisconsin Press, 1988
Special Health Considerations Concerning African-Americans, ROOTS JOURNAL, 1,1, Spring/Summer, 1987.
Bibliographic Essay: African (Black) Psychology: Transformed and Transforming. SAGE RACE RELATIONS ABSTRACTS, Vol 11(1) February, Sage Publications Ltd. 1986
Ancient Egyptian Thought and the Renaissance of African (Black) Psychology. In KEMET AND THE AFRICAN WORLDVIEW, edited by Maulana Karenga and Jacob Carruthers. Los Angeles. University of Sankore Press. 1986.
The Future of the Black Family, SCLC NATIONAL MAGAZINE, May-June 1986.
Religion, Spirituality and the Black Family. SCLC NATIONAL MAGAZINE, Vol 14(1), Dec./Jan. 1985-86
Black Family Life: A Theoretical and Policy Implication Literature Review. In A. Harvey (ed.) THE BLACK FAMILY: AN AFROCENTRIC PERSPECTIVE. New York: United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice, 1985.
Contemporary Conditions Affecting the Black Family, SCLC NATIONAL MAGAZINE, Feb-March, 1985
What is the Black Family and Where is it Going? SCLC NATIONAL MAGAZINE, Vol. 13(5), Dec/Jan 1984-85
Alienation, Human Transformation and Adolescent Drug Use: Toward a Reconceptualization of the Problem. JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES, January 1984.
Black Family Features and Drinking Behavior, JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES, Spring, 1984.
The Reclamation of Culture and the Right to Reconciliation: An Afro-Centric Perspectives on Developing and Implementing Programs for the Mentally Retarded Offender. In Harvey, A. R. and T. L. Carr (Eds) THE BLACK MENTALLY RETARDED OFFENDER: A Holistic Approach, 1982
African-American Family Life: An Instrument of Culture. In McAdoo, H. (Ed) BLACK FAMILIES. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications, 1981
The Archeology of the African Spirit: Toward a Deeper Discourse in BLACK STUDIES JOURNAL OF BLACK STUDIES. San Francisco State University. San Francisco.1978.
Historical Foundations of African Psychology and Their Philosophical Consequences. JOURNAL OF BLACK PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 4, No. 1, August 1977. Vol 4, No. 2, February 1978. (Co-authored with S. M. Khatib)
The Gift and the Responsibility: Black Fathers Role in the Rearing of Our Young. NEW DIMENSIONS IN HEAD START, January, 1978.
Toward an Empirical and Theoretical Framework for Defining Black Families. JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY, November 1978, pp. 679-688.
The Effectively Coping Black Family. MILITARY FAMILIES: Adaptation to Change. Edna J. Hunter and E. Stephen Nile (Eds) Praeger Publishers, New York, 1978, pp, 57-74. (Co-authored with Robert Hayles)
African Consciousness and Liberation Struggles: Implications for the Development and Construction of Scientific Paradigms. JOURNAL OF BLACK STUDIES. San Francisco State University. San Francisco.1978.
The Black Family and Its Children: The Survival of Humaneness. Paper presented at National Council for Black Child Development, BLACK BOOKS BULLETIN, VOL. 6, NO. 2, June 1978, pp 7-12
Consciousness, Adaptability and Coping Strategies: Socio-Economic Characteristic and Ecological Issues in Black Families. THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF BLACK STUDIES, Vol. l, No. 2, June 1977. Pp. 105-113. (Co-authored with Lawford L. Goddard)
Black Parental Involvement in Education: The African Connection. ALTON CHILDS SERIES, Atlanta University School of Social Work, Atlanta, Georgia, 1976, pp. 23-26. (Co-authored with Shirley Tarver)
The Black Family Speaks: Family Research and Mental Health. INSIDE WESTSIDE, Vol. 4, No. 2. San Francisco, Ca. March/April, 1976
Portraits in Black: Demographic Features of Black Families, INSIDE WESTSIDE, Vol. 4, 2, March/April, 1976.
Rhythm, Racism and Reactions A Psycho-Cultural Analysis of Black Youths Responses to Alienation. Paper presented to National Conference on the Black Family in America Workshop, Black Youth: Culture, Racism Alienation. March 1976
Information Processing and Behavioral Prescriptions: The Need for Broader Telecommunications Research. Paper presented to 1976 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. Arlie, Virginia, 1976
A Formulative and Empirical Study of Black Families: Final Report. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Office of Child Development. Washington, D. C. 1976
African-Science and Black Research: The Consciousness of Self. In Lewis M. King, Vernon Dixon, and Wade W. Nobles (eds) African Philosophy: Assumptions and Paradigms for Research on Black People. J. Alfred Cannon Research Conference Proceedings, April, 1976. Pp. 163-174
African Roots in Black Families: The Social Psychological Dynamics of the Black Family and Its Implications for Nursing Care. In Dorothy Luckraft, R.N. (ed) BLACK AWARENESS: IMPLICATIONS FOR BLACK PATIENT CARE. The American Journal of Nursing Company, New York, 1976
Extended-Self: Re-Thinking the So-Called Negro Self-Concept. JOURNAL OF BLACK PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. II, No.2, February 1976
Black People in White Insanity: An Issue for Black Community Mental Health. JOURNAL OF AFRO-AMERICAN ISSUES, Vol. 4, No. 1 winter, 1976, pp. 21-27.
Voodoo or I.Q.: An Introduction to African Psychology. JOURNAL OF BLACK PSYCHOLOGY, 1975, Vol. l, No. 2, Pp. 1-20. (Co-authored with Cedric X (Clark), D. Phillip McGee, and Luther X (Weems)
Media Black Families: Carbon Copies of White Families. Paper presented to Symposium Workshop: Positive Presentation of Blacks in the Media. Children's Television Fair, San Francisco, April 1975. (Co-authored with William Cail III)
African Root and American Fruit: The Black Family. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Winter, 1974.
Africanity: Its Role in Black Families. THE BLACK SCHOLAR, 1974 Vol. 5, No. 9, Pp. 10-17
Psychological Research and the Black Self-Concept: A Critical Review. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES, 1973, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 11-31
African Philosophy: Foundation for Black Psychology. In R. L. Jones (ed) BLACK PSYCHOLOGY, New York: Harper & Row, 1972, pp.18-32.
Community Partnering - Black Teen HIV Prevention Project . Final Report submitted to Office of Minority Health Division of Program Operations
Minority Community Health Partnership HIV/AIDS Demonstration Grants Program, 2009
From Trauma to Drama: Black Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention Through Culture, Cognition & Character Program . Final Report Submitted to Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Congressional Earmark Grant, 2009
The Black Youth Integrated SAP and HIV and Prevention Project: Final Report Submitted to Minority HIV Prevention Programs Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 2008
The Expanded Healer Women Fighting Disease Project: Final Report Submitted to Minority HIV Prevention Programs Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 2005
The Healer Women Fighting Disease Project: Final Report Submitted to Minority HIV Prevention Programs Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 2002
Nsaka Sunsum (Touching the Spirit): Guidelines for Educational Excellence with African American Children, Oakland, 2001
The Nsaka Sunsum (Touching of the Spirit) Observation Tools: A Supplement to Classroom Observation Protocol, Oakland, 2001
The Nsaka Sunsum Class Environment - Kaleidoscoping The Classroom Process, Oakland, 2001
The Nsaka Sunsum Pedagogy and Process, Oakland, 1999
"Touching the Spirit: Success for African American Students" (hosted by West Contra Costa Unified School District) Professional Development Institute Training Manual, Oakland, 1998
City of Oakland Enhanced Enterprise Community Second Year Community Building Intern Program, Final Report, Oakland, 1998
City of Oakland Enhanced Enterprise Community Second Year Community Building Intern Program, Executive Summary, Oakland, 1998
Achieving Educational Excellence and Cultural Excellence for African American Students: A New Model of Teaching and Learning, Oakland, 1998
"Touching the Spirit: Success for African American Students" Professional Development Institute Training Manual, Oakland, 1997
"Touching the Spirit: Success for African American Students" Professional Development Institute Training Manual, Oakland, 1996
Touching the Spirit: Success for African American Students" Professional Development Institute Training Manual, Oakland, 1995
Cultural Cornerstones II - CACSEA's Professional Development Training Manual, Oakland, 1994
Cultural Cornerstones - CACSEA's Professional Development Training Manual, Oakland, 1993
African-Centered Scholars, Teachers and Trainers: Annotated Bibliography of African-Centered Background Reading Material, Oakland, Ca, 1990
The Climate of Drugs and Service Delivery: The Impact of Drug Trafficking and Drug-Related Behavior on Service Delivery in County Funded Agencies, Final Report. Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. Oakland, 1987
A Clear and Present Danger: The Effects of Drugs and Drug Trafficking on the Mental Health of Black Children and Families in Oakland, Final Report. Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. Oakland, 1987
The Culture of Drugs in the Black Community, Executive Report Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. Oakland, 1987
Black Teenage Parenting and Early Childhood Education Basic Curriculum Plan
Black Teenage Parenting Training Manual
African and African American Proverbs as Tools for Childrearing and Character Development
Amazing Grace: The Way Black Children see Their Fathers, Oakland, Ca, 1986.
“Revive Our Memory”: A Guide to Traditional Black Parenting Techniques
Utilization of African and African-American Proverbs in School-Based Behavioral Management
Resource Directory of Teen Fathers/Partners Services Report, East Bay
Perinatal Council, Oakland, 1985
The Psychology of Black Girls Becoming Mothers: The Female Side of Black Teenage Pregnancy. Final Report. NIMH, Department of Health and Human Services, 1984
The Psychology of Black Boys Becoming Fathers: The Male Side of Black Teenage Pregnancy. Final Report. NIMH, Department of Health and Human Services, 1984
Critical Analysis of Scholarship on Black Family Life: Final Report. Black Family Life Programs, United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice, 1983
Mental Health Support Systems in Black Families: Final Report. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. ADAMHA, Center for Minority Group Mental Health Program, NIMH, Washington, D. C. 1979
Changing Childrearing Orientations and Black Child Development: Final Report. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Administration for Children, Youth and Families, Washington, D. C. 1979
A Formulative and Empirical Study of Black Family Life and Culture Final Report. DHEW, Office of Child Development, Washington, D. C. 1976